Anupam Sud is one of the finest printmakers among the new generation of artists in India. Although she has taken up painting on large canvases, mostly in acrylic, her intaglio prints still hold their sway over her paintings. Anupam has been experimenting in different areas of the graphic medium, but what stands out is apparently her effortless infusion of different intaglio processes with screen-printing and lithography. There is little of the narrowly 'feminist' in her total oeuvre. Instead, her firmly drawn figuration of men and women draw our attention to the general human situation and to psychological tensions between man and woman and that between man and society. A large part of the charm of her intaglio and mixed- media prints lies in her treatment of chiaroscuro. Anupam attended five print workshops, two of which were conducted under Paul Lingren and Carol Summers (1970, 1974). In 1989 she represented India at the printmaking workshop of Asian countries at the Fukuoka Art Museum, Japan, worked in professional workshops in New York and Berkeley (1996) and conducted a printmaking workshop in Ottawa, Canada (1990). Anupam Sud has won awards 19 times between 1969 and 1995. In 1990, the Centre for International Contemporary Art (CICA), New York, awarded her with a study and traveling fellowship in printmaking in the USA, and she won the President of India's Gold Plaque at the Women's International Art Exhibition, New Delhi (1975), Special Award at the International Print Biennale, Bharat AIFACS, in the same year. |