Between 1975 and 1996, Arpana had 1 8 solo shows of her paintings, and participated in nine national and international exhibitions and art festivals, including the First Baghdad Biennale (1986), Algiers Biennale (1987), group shows at Saytama Museum and Glenbarra Museum, Japan, the exhibition 'Imagined City', Museum of Modem Art, Brasilia, Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro (1994-95). In 1995, she attended the 'Nature and Environment' workshop jointly organized by the Lalit Kala Akademi, Max Mueller Bhavan and Japan Foundation. In the same year, Arpana executed the commission for doing a large painting for the Hiroshima Museum's permanent collection, on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Nuclear Holocaust. Received the All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society Award in 1985, Commendation Certificate at the Algiers Biennale, and Gold Medal at the Sixth Triennale-India'(1 986), and was nominated by the Lalit Kala Akademi as the Eminent Artist (1990, '91, '92). Her works are in many private and public collections in India and abroad including National Gallery of Modem AM New Delhi, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Bradford Museum, U. K.Kunst Museum, Dusseldorf, Singapore Museum of Modem Art and the Ethnographic Museum, Stockholm. |