Born in 1959 in Mumbai and received his diploma from the Sir J.J. School f Art in 1982. Apart from several solo shows in India he has exhibited at Gallery Apunto, Amsterdam in 1993. He has participated in 'The Richness of the Spirit' Kuwait and Rome in 1986-89, 'India - Contemporary Art' World Trade Center, Amsterdam 1989, 'Exposition Collective' Cite Intemationale Des Arts, Paris 1992. He has also exhibited at 'Reflections and Images' Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi and Mumbai, 1993 and 'Trends and Images' CIMA, Calcutta, 1993. He was given the Sanskriti Award, New Delhi in 1995.
Dodiya's strongly realistic works are subtly nuanced to provide a reflective medium to middle class homes, family life and his own biography. Thin layers of painting deftly painted strokes, mirror suggestive situations. In his latest works he freely quotes his artistic peers like Hockney and Bhupen Khakhar to reflect on the act of painting itself.